Sunday, June 26, 2011

'Homework revolt': Time to give kids a break?

The article titled 'Homework revolt': Time to give kids a break? by Get2Central, Press of Atlantic City, published on June 16, 2011 on THE WEEK, states different opinions whether too much homework is beneficial for children or not. According to the article, some American school district, are pondering that too much homework mainly those given after school, are not helpful for the kids; instead of improving their academic progress, they are stressful. As a solution to mitigate the problem, was proposed a limit in number of assignments according to each grade and complete exclusion of homework during the weekends and holidays.
Some people are sceptical white the idea that kids mainly in elementary school should not be given too much homework. Opponents argue that spoiling kids can bring misunderstanding to them. They have to be shown by their teachers that an effort pays off, and good education is related to hardworking. On the other hand, supporters agree that too much schoolwork is not beneficial for the children. Because too much homework deprive kids of getting enough sleep and entertainment, and as a result they are unhappy, unhealthy and unsuccessful. Also, supporters mention that rigor can’t be compared with fulfillment, and makes more sense when kids are encouraged to read for pleasure instead of forcing them with piles of assignments.
As a wise saying “no pain, no gain”, there is no doubt that hardworking almost give a worthy reward.  I agree that students can’t benefit from too much homework, and on other side I disagree with complete elimination of homework during the weekends and holidays.
In my opinion for this specific case where kids spend 8 hours day at school, the homework could be reduced. Instead of a pile of exercises that can take more than one hour, few of them could perfectly help to revise what they learned in that day. Doing a lot of assignments or exercises is not profitable. Some kids can do simply to show that they accomplished the task, but at end they didn't understand the exercise. I think studying at home must be something enjoyable and not forced as a result of mere satisfying a teacher or parents.
Regarding to banning homework during weekends and holidays, in my opinion this decision is a failure, because kids have more time and a relaxed environment during this period. Also I think that during the weekend, is a great opportunities for the parents to see the performance of their children. At this period, kids can ask their parents to explain something that they didn’t understand in the class. For me makes more sense giving homework on weekends and eliminate during the week days.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed your coherent article. And I do agree with your opinion about banning homework during weekends and holidays.
